There are about 10,000 publications showing that prolonged sitting is harmful to your health and promotes chronic diseases, including obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Within 90 seconds of rising from sitting to standing, the muscular and cellular systems that process blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol — which are mediated by insulin — are activated. All of these molecular effects are activated simply by carrying your bodyweight upon your legs
Even if you get 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week, there’s still a dose-response association of sitting with waist circumference, systolic blood pressure and glucose levels — a phenomenon referred to as “active couch potato syndrome”
At bare minimum, avoid sitting for more than 50 minutes out of every hour. Ideally, limit sitting to three hours or less
According to biological anthropologists, the fossil record suggests that when early man traded their nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles for a more settled one, it resulted in a less dense bone structure
Recent research shows moderate exercise — loosely defined as exerting yourself to the point where you're slightly winded but can carry on a conversation — improves all-cause survival two times better than vigorous exercise, and that more is better. It cannot be overdone
Thank you Dr. Mercola. Complete article at
